December 5, 2010


The vehicle dips forward when the brakes are applied.
USUAL CAUSE This symptom is usually caused by misadjusted rear brakes or weak shocks or struts.
DIAGNOSIScheckengine The shocks or struts can be tested by bouncing the front of the vehicle several times by placing your body weight on the front bumper. Once the vehicle starts the up and down motion, remove your weight from the front bumper. The up and down bouncing should come to a stop after only one or two additional bounces. If the the vehicle continues to bounce, the front shocks or struts may require replacement. A tire inspection can reveal worn shocks or struts as well. Bumps and dips accross the tread of the tire can indicate failed shocks or struts. If the shocks or struts are in good working order, the rear brake adjustment should be inspected. Inspect the parking brake to make sure it holds. If it does not hold, operate it several times. This will adjust the rear brakes on vehicles with self adjusters. If the parking brake still does not hold, a visual inspection of the brakes will be necessary to determine the cause.
PRECAUTIONS, TIPS, and NOTES Brake drums and rotors become extremely hot after vehicle operation. Use caution when working around hot braking components.

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